Onsite Preliminary Audition coming up on September 15-16 at Tom Lee Music (Downtown)

Onsite Preliminary Audition coming up on September 15-16 at Tom Lee Music (Downtown)

The committee for the 2017 Vancouver International Music Competition has emailed the preliminary round audition times to the competitors. Please make sure you received this email and keep track of your audition time.  If you did not receive your audition time, please contact us and let us know so we can provide a time for your audition.

Please allow three days after your online application has been submitted before inquiring about your audition time.

For the audition, we require competitors to provide one original score (non-photocopied) and an additional original score for an accompanist (if applicable).

The preliminary round is not open to the public.

Thank you for your attention.

Good luck to all the competitors!

VIMC Updated poster Sept. 2017


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