Tomislav Nedelkovic-Baynov
T. Nedelkovic-Baynov | Sasha Starcevich | Keiko Alexander
Elizabeth Volpé Bligh | Sean Bickerton | Daniel Bolshoy

Tomislav Nedelkovic-Baynov教授出生在保加利亚索非亚的一个音乐世家。他五岁时进行了他的第一次舞台表演;一年后,他在保加利亚普罗瓦迪亚的全国钢琴比赛中获得了一等奖。
Tomislav Baynov在保加利亚音乐学院学习钢琴和作曲,并在德国特罗辛根的国立音乐大学完成了学业,并获得最高独奏音乐文凭。他获得了在保加利亚、意大利、德国、葡萄牙、捷克斯洛伐克举办的多个国际钢琴比赛的冠军,其中包括1990年在意大利莫尔科内举办的谢尔盖·拉赫玛尼诺夫比赛。自1981年移居德国以来,在1986年之前,他曾在西柏林爱乐乐团大厅与柏林交响乐团合作演出了29次。
Prof. Baynov is a jury member of international competitions in Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Canada, Turkey, Hong-Kong, Korea and the Czech Republic. Since 2001 he is Honorary Professor of the Qingdao University of Music and other Universities in China. He holds Master Classes in Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovakia, Korea, Turkey, Canada and Hong-Kong. Prof. Baynov has performed solo, ensemble, chamber and orchestral concerts spanning five continents, with an extensive discography and broadcast history worldwide.
His passion for multi-piano works is demonstrated by the Baynov-Piano-Ensemble, established by him in 1989, which is dedicated to rarely performed works for several pianos. He is also founder and artistic director of the worldwide unique “International Piano Competition for Six and eight Hands”, which takes place at the Bavarian Music Academy in Marktoberdorf, Germany.